SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Release Trailer

SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Release Trailer
Anna Hubbard

By: Anna Hubbard

March 27, 2024

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Welcome to the launch of SOUTH PARK:SNOW DAY! Rated M for Mature, this is not one for the kids. Or should I say, it's for the kid inside. The part of you that has never really grown up - the Immature, so to speak!

SOUTH PARK:SNOW DAY! is a hilarious multi-player co-op roguelike adventure that honors the sacred Snow Day. A day in which you get to lark around in the snow for hours on end with your mates instead of going to school. The ultimate fantasy for kids around the world, and a literal dream come true for Cartman who, after a night of prayer, wakes to find a blizzard of epic proportions has hit South Park.

Panic buying has led to a shortage of toilet paper in the stores. The sun has died. The death count is mounting. And, most importantly, there's no school! Cartman is in heaven! That it, until everything starts to go pear shape. Cue some truly crazy combat.

For behind the scenes insights into the game by co-creators TreyandMatt, you should check out Trey and Matt talk about the New Kid SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! and  SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! From 2D to 3D! But right now, to celebrate the launch of the latest South Park video game escapade, let's take a look at the SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Release Trailer! 

Get your discounted copy of SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! at 2Game today!

SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! Release Trailer

When school in cancelled, and all the kids are free, it can only mean one thing: Game on! 

The adults are in disarray, what better place to congregate than around Cartman's war table?! That is, if you're looking for a bit of ramped-up Lords of the Flies action, South Park style.

The story embellished by the kids? That the elves are planning an attack on Kupa Keep: My spies saw your army gearing up for battle! Your role? To play as the New Kid; join this fantasy war; and defeat your foes. Oh, and you've also got the real life mystery of the larger-than-life blizzard to solve: Was it the storm of the century? Was it just boring ass climate change? Or was it a curse placed upon our quiet little mountain town by a malevolent force bent on revenge?

New Kid, find Stan and smash his army. And then kick him in the bags if you can!

With 3D graphics, and multi-player co-op gameplay, SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! is all about the action. (As well as the fart antics, of course). Indeed, the plot's a little lighter than in previous RPG titles, but that just serves to speed up the time till you start fighting. When it comes to combat, as well as ranged weapons and a melee combo and charge attack, in true South Park fashion, you've got Pissed Off energy, Fart Escape Powers, and Bullshit cards to spice things up.


The clever card system is part of Cartman's bid to stop players from becoming overpowered. Having said that, a bribe of a few rolls of toilet paper wouldn't go amiss if you wanted to increase the rarity of the special abilities you get off Jimmy!

The best card to get your hands on, though is the Bullshit card. Deploy one of those bad boys and, for a limited time only, all rules go out the window. We're talking laser eyes, invisibility, meteor showers. Basically, the exact kind of crap you made up as a kid to get yourself out of losing a game, or being captured by the opposing team!

And that's the beauty of the game. SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! is a return to the mischievous days of childhood, only notched up by 100!

Enjoy, and we wish you the best of luck. Remember: our last hope lies with you, New Kid! 

Get your discounted copy of SOUTH PARK: SNOW DAY! at 2Game today!


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